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VSGA Handicaps

      Pinecrest Men’s League members:

Post your scores from any computer ! !

Go to www.VSGA. Org

Scroll about half way down the page to the red box that says “ Online Score Posting”

After you enter this portion of the website, you will be asked to input your golf number; that will be the four digit number you were issued when you signed up for the handicap service.  Don’t worry about suffix number, the password is pinecrest.

If you have any problems entering scores, please let a member of PGC management know. 

Also, the VSGA is now updating their database two times a month ( 15th & 30th) so your index will be more accurate.  This also gives newer golfers an index much sooner.  You only need to input five rounds now to have the index calculated. We will start net stroke play next week so be sure to enter as many scores as you can.  For those who do not have enough scores, we’ll average the scores together, divide by 80 % to calculate their handicap .  The handicap will be revised on the 15th and 30th of each month