Minutes of 5/26/2010 Starter-Marshal's meeting:
1 Thunder/Lightning on course. An individual must take responsibility for his/her own safety. The manager on duty ( MOD) will stay informed about daily weather conditions, and declare the course closed when severe weather threaten the course. Counter staff will inform players of threatening conditions before they begin their round. The MOD will make a general announcement that the course will be closing and remained closed until after the storm passes. The MOD will ensure that a horn is sounded at several points on the course so that on-course golfers are alerted. Volunteers on the course who receive the call from the starter that the course is closing will also sound a horn while returning to the clubhouse. We do not tell patrons they must leave the course, only recommend that the seek shelter immediately until the storm passes. The player-assistant is not required to leave the safety of the clubhouse to inform patrons nor do we offer a ride back to the clubhouse. This is for liability concerns and this direction must be followed.
2. Goose-laser gun review was shortened because the device is in for repairs. When it is returned to service, all volunteers are to review and follow all safety precautions listed in manual. This is an important tool in our challenge to keep the course clear of goose waste and the damage they cause. It is not a toy and safety is main concern.
3. Miki gave an excellent presentation on the A.E.D. machine and a good review of CPR. All printed material passed out at the meeting have been inserted in the front of the sign-in book. Please review all of this information while on duty.
4. The monday morning ladies golf association is hosting a tourney on JUNE 21st from 0700-1500 to raise awareness and raise money for the breast cancer foundation. They have asked for our help providing additional player-assistants and marshals. If you can help, please let me know asap so I can pass names on to the organizers. Additionally, from June 2-21st the starter will assist by registering players for this event. A separate clip board will be kept with the tee-sheet clip board with a copy of the June 21st tee-sheet. If a walk-up customer is interested, let them pick an available tee-time, tell them that they must pay the donation fee of $25 per player to hold the tee- time. We will accept checks made payable to "Network of Strength"......no cash accepted. Tell them they can also mail this fee in to the event chairperson within 5 days of signing up to keep this reservation. This fee is in addition to the regular greens-fee. A representative from the ladies league will collect the tee-sheet and checks every day or two. Checks are to be turned over to the MOD for safe deposit if not picked up by close of business. Those not doing extra volunteer work for this event should consider forming a group to play. It is a very worthy cause and your participation will be appreciated. There will also be a silent auction during the event. If your customer seems interested in learning more, please promote the event by discussing it with them.